Thursday, May 24, 2018

Book & Audiobook Review: The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy

Image result for a hero's guide to saving your kingdom audiobook

The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom

Author: Christopher Healy

Pages: 436

ISBN: 0062117459

Recommended for ages 8-14

Who is Prince Charming?

When did the princes from our favorite fairy tales lose their names and become "Prince Charming". According to The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom you can thank the barbs from their kingdoms for the generic title of Prince Charming. Healy mashes up the stories and characters of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Rapunzel to finally give Prince Charming a voice in his own story.

To start, we find out a little background about our Princes. Prince Frederic saved Cinderella but he is having a hard time keeping up with her adventurous spirit. He would rather have a safe ball and show off his impressive dance skills. Prince Duncan awoke Snow White with a kiss and they were married but he is having a hard time settling into married life (they by far are the most suited for each other). Prince Liam also awoke Sleeping Beauty with a kiss but she turns to be more like one of Cinderella's evil step sisters than the Briar Rose we know and love. And poor Prince Gustav. Before he could even get to Rapunzel she rescued herself from and the tower AND made it worse by healing Prince Gustav with her magical tears. Between his manly pride and his horde of brothers, he is having a hard time coping. 

The story actually starts after all of this has happened when its discovered that the barbs of the kingdoms have been kidnapped. The witch from Rapunzel is tired of being a secondary character in these stories and has concocted an evil plan to finally have her time in the spot light. The Princes stumble and fall their way through this adventure to save the barbs of their kingdoms.  

I listened to the audibook version of this book and I can not recommend it enough!! Bronson Pinchot did such an amazing job with all the character voices! My 8 year old and I listened to it together on our commute to and from school and there were times we were laughing out loud at some of things the characters said and did. My daughter and I both love fractured fairy tales and this one did not disappoint. The only downside to the audiobook is that we didn't get to enjoy the graphics in the book. Its not a picture book by any means but the graphics that are spread out in the book are great!

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